ዓለም ለአሸናፊዎች ነች
✅ ሚዳቋን ተመልከት። ሁሉም ነው የሚያሯሩጣት። ቡና...
The Educated Is Not Always The Solution
I don’t mean all but often the ‘educated’ is the problem. Let me explain with real experiences. Five years ago, a senior...
Ethiopia Needs Sales Skill: መሸጥ መቻል አለብን!
Here is why? For a long time, the public perception for selling has been mostly negative. Only few people think of it as a career...
Project Management Practice in Ethiopia and Why It Is Invaluable to Pay Attention to It
Out of the total proposed ETB561.67 billion annual budget (2021/2022), Ethiopia allocated ETB183.5...
በቀላሉ ስራ ለማግኘት ማድረግ ያለባችሁ 10 ቅድመ ግጅቶች፡ በተለይ ደግሞ ለወጣቶች
ኮሌጅ ተመርቆ ከወጣ በኋላም ለስራ ቅጥር እናቱን ወይም አባቱን ሽምግልና የሚልክ...
Capturing and Sharing of Great Moments and Lived Experiences
Good or bad there is always a lesson we take from our experiences and inspire ourselves forward. While self-reflection is the essence of...