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Your Career Growth and Personal Development endeavors do not happen by their own. Both demand Intentional Plan & Action from You. The Founder of Showing Up brought together his own and practical industry experience in to usable resources to inform you and make your life easier and smarter.

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Before that: Are You Fully Aware that
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80% of Your Success Depends on Your Ability to show up!

Let us say you have done your home work. You then know at heart that your hard work creates real value for others. What is left?
Your Showing up.

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Talk is cheap. But it never lead you anywhere.
Action is a challenge. Yet, it is a path to success.
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Showing Up Podcast Series

Episood II ShowingUp

If you are like me, read this piece. Information and communication technology, ICT, sector is one of the key sectors that opens doors for entrepreneurship and career aspirations, more so in the digital space. However, the schools I went for did not prepare me well for jobs. Over the years, I have to learn everything by myself and the hard way. Over the last few years, I have the pleasure of working with new employees and mentor interns as part of my role and I came to learn that much has not changed at schools since I left.  In this episode, I will try to expose you to the key roles (listed below) required in the industry for you to prepare and act in advance. 1. Sales Management Roles, 2. Solution and Product Sales Management Roles, 3. Service Management Roles, 4. Channel Management Roles And indicated many others……. Follow us on LinkedIn Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok, — Send in a voice message:
  1. Episood II
  2. Your Story Is Your Power- Use it for your own advantage.
  3. Episode I: How to Prepare Yourself and Get a Job Easier and Faster in Ethiopia-Amharic version. በቀላሉ ስራ ለማግኘት መደረግ ያለባቸው 10 ቅድመ ዝግጅቶች
  4. ShowingUp (Trailer)

Spread Positivity to Yourself!

ለአንተ ያለአንተ ማን አለ?

የስራ ዓለም ተቀይሯል። በተለመደው መንገድ የትም አትደርስም!

ድሮ እና ዘንድሮ

ት/ት ቤት እስከ 12 ክፍል
ኮሌጅ ወይም ዩንቨርሲቲ ፡ ከ 4 እስከ 6 ዓመት
አንድ ዐይነት ሞያና ስራ ፤ ከ20 እስከ 30 አመት
ጡረታ። እስከ 20 አመት የሰቆቃ ኑሮ
እድሜ ልክ ትምህርት ፤ ኮሌጅ ገባህም አልገባህም።
የተለያዬ ሞያና ብዙ አይነት የስራ እድሎች
ፈልገው የሚሰሩትና የእድሜ ልክ ስራ
ጤነኛና ደስተኛ ቤተሰብ
ስኬታማ ህይወት….

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Tigabu Atalo

Founder, Content Creator

It was a privilege to learn from others and I am happy to paying it forward. You want to go back to the source. Join me on

End.  One final Thought: What ever we do to succeed,

Showing Up Matters

We write and Podcast on career growth & personal development and inspire the youth to take action.