Showing Up

Your Story Is Your Power! Own It. Show Up. Dare Sharing It. 

80 Percent of Success is Showing Up, Woody Allen 

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At Showing Up, we write and podcast on career growth and personal development to inspire people like you to show up better, early!!


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Amharic e-Book: የስራ ዝግጅት መመሪያው

እንዴት እራስክን ማስተካከል እንዳለብህ ያስተምርሃል

ከመጀመሪያው እስከ መጨረሻው ድረስ ማድረግ ያለብህን ቅደም ተከተል ያስተምርሃል።

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Online Courses [ Under preparation]

ሂወት ቀያሪ ትምህርቶች . ስራ ፍለጋ እራሱን የቻለ ትምህርት እንደሆነ ትማርበታለህ

ወደፊት ለሚገጥምህ ወሳኝ ጉዳይ ቀድመህ እንድትዘጋጅ ትማርበታለሕ

ከምንም በላይ በወሬ ሳይሆን በተግባር ሂወትህን መቀየር እንዳለብህ ትማራለሕ ።

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  • Your Network Is Your Net Worth: How LinkedIn Empowers Individuals and Businesses in Ethiopia

    Your Network Is Your Net Worth: How LinkedIn Empowers Individuals and Businesses in Ethiopia

    Feeling trapped in the cycle of limited opportunities, saturated career growth prospects, and inadequate compensation?  We mean compensation that barely copes with inflation and increasing cost of living! You’re not alone.  In the face of demand for 9-to- 5 jobs soaring and traditional methods falling short, it’s time for a change.   Globally, employment to population…

  • Don’t Just Scroll, Create: A Step-by-Step Guide to Launching Your TikTok Career in Ethiopia

    Don’t Just Scroll, Create: A Step-by-Step Guide to Launching Your TikTok Career in Ethiopia

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  • Unleashing the Power of Freelancing Platforms: Earning, Learning, and Growing in Ethiopia

    Unleashing the Power of Freelancing Platforms: Earning, Learning, and Growing in Ethiopia

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  • Ethiopia’s Startup Revolution: Launch Your Dream Without an Office!

    Ethiopia’s Startup Revolution: Launch Your Dream Without an Office!

    Recent policies in Ethiopia are assisting young entrepreneurs by allowing remote and flexible work setups, eliminating the high costs associated with office rentals. This enables them to invest in growth and innovation, reflecting a broader global trend towards virtual business environments. Additional government and financial support measures are being introduced to further empower these startups.

  • Level Up Your Life with Messaging : A Practical Guide to Telegram & WhatsApp

    Level Up Your Life with Messaging :                                A Practical Guide to Telegram & WhatsApp

    Discover how to leverage Telegram and WhatsApp for personal development, career advancement, and business growth. This guide replicates the power of direct messaging for networking, marketing, and monetizing expertise. It outlines steps for engaging community participation, building a strong digital presence, and using unique platform features for privacy and business efficiency, while highlighting the importance…

  • Unlock Your  Potential: Thrive on YouTube

    Unlock Your  Potential: Thrive on YouTube

    YouTube offers a platform for personal and professional growth, allowing users to create content, learn new skills, and even start a business. Aspiring vloggers, filmmakers, and marketers can leverage the site’s vast resources for education, content monetization, and entrepreneurship. The platform encourages continuous learning and engagement with a global audience, exemplified by successful Ethiopian creators.…

  • Twitter: Your Key to Networking, Personal Branding, and Career Growth.

    Twitter: Your Key to Networking, Personal Branding, and Career Growth.

    Struggling with career growth, personal development, or starting your own business? You’re not alone. But what if there was a platform that could help you break through these barriers and unlock your full potential? Look no further than Twitter! Your Network Awaits: Build Your Brand, Boost Your Business: Level Up Your Skills: It’s Time to…

  • Empowering the Next Generation: How Social Media Can Be a Force for Good in Ethiopia

    Empowering the Next Generation: How Social Media Can Be a Force for Good in Ethiopia

    Do you know that the misuse of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Threads result not just in joblessness but also serious health issues? Many young Ethiopians fall prey to mindless scrolling, digital distraction, and unhealthy comparison. The mindless scrolling consumes your valuable time, drains you creativity, fosters unrealistic desires and contributes to your…

  • ዓለም ለአሸናፊዎች ነች

    ዓለም ለአሸናፊዎች ነች

    ✅ ሚዳቋን ተመልከት። ሁሉም ነው የሚያሯሩጣት። ቡና እየጠጣሁ ትልቅ እስክሪን ቴሌቪዥን መስኮት ላይ አይኔን ጣል አድርጌአለሁ። ጣቢያው ተፈጥሮአዊ የሆኑ ክስተቶችን በማስተላለፍ ላይ ነበር። ቁጥቋጧማ የሆነ ብዙም ወጣ ገባ የሌለበት አካባቢይን ያስጎበኝ ነበር። እናም በመሃል አንድ ነብር አንዲትን ሚዳቋ እያሳደደ ብቅ አለ። ትንቅንቁ ለረጂም ጊዜ ቀጠለ። የሚገርም ትእይንት ነበረው። የሁሉም ሰው ቀልብ እስክሪኑ ላይ ነበር። የዕለት…

  • Doing Is the Shortest Path to Learning and Acquiring New Skills.

    Doing Is the Shortest Path to Learning and Acquiring New Skills.

    …….Before you start reading, make sure you subscribe to ShowingUp 👉 For most people, acquiring new skills takes ages unless forced to. Understandably, change is painful but necessary for continuity.   Today’s work environment makes your once proud and hard earned skill set irrelevant at a speed of light. Everything evolves at high speed. Career,…

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    The Educated Is Not Always The Solution

    I don’t mean all but often the ‘educated’ is the problem. Let me explain with real experiences. Five years ago, a senior colleague (an African Expat) and I went out for a business trip in to one of the country sides of Ethiopia to see if the project we used to supervise was going well.…

  • eBook Amharic – ለስራ የሚያዘጋጅህ ቀላል መመሪያ – ተለቀቅ

    eBook Amharic – ለስራ የሚያዘጋጅህ ቀላል መመሪያ – ተለቀቅ

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  • Money Does Not Grow On Trees!

    Money Does Not Grow On Trees!

    Some people have power when the say it, even if it is the most obvious wisdom. Brad Lea in his TikTok handle @therealrealbradlea was blatant when he said it direct from where money comes from. Everyone will tell you that money does not grow on trees, But no one won’t tell you where it grows.…

  • Ethiopia Needs Sales Skill: መሸጥ መቻል አለብን!

    Ethiopia Needs Sales Skill: መሸጥ መቻል አለብን!

    Here is why? For a long time, the public perception for selling has been mostly negative. Only few people think of  it as a career choice as they go to school.  Only later in life, most of us confronted sales. What a waste, and it should not be that way. When you have a sales…

  • Project Management Practice in Ethiopia and Why It Is Invaluable to Pay Attention to It

    Project Management Practice in Ethiopia and Why It Is Invaluable to Pay Attention to It

    To read the full article subscribe to our newsletter. By continuing, you accept the privacy policy

  • “ለራሳችሁ በላችሁት እንጂ ለእኛ ምን አተረፋችሁልን”

    “ለራሳችሁ በላችሁት እንጂ ለእኛ ምን አተረፋችሁልን”

    #አንዳንድ#ነገሮች! ✅ ሃገራችን ውስጥ ካሉ እጅጉን ከሚገርሙኝ አስተሳሰቦች አንዱ #ወጣቶች ላይ የሚሰነዘረው ወቀሳ ነው። በፖሊሲ ማእቀፍ አስቦና አልሞ ፤ ገንዘብና ጉልበት መድቦ፤ በብዙ ዓመት ድካም ትወልዱ እንዲህ እንዲሆን ከተሰራ በኋላ መልሶ ትውልዱን ( ውጤቱን) መውቀስ በምንም መልኩ ሊገባኝ አልቻለም። ✅ የሚገርመውና ተስፋ የሚሰጠኝ ደግሞ፤ እጅግ ብዙ #ወጣቶች ወቀሳው ሳይበግራቸው የማንንም ቸርነት ሳይጠብቁ ፤ ችግሮችን ለማለፍና የመፍትሄ አካል ለመሆን ጥረት…

  • በቀላሉ ስራ ለማግኘት ማድረግ ያለባችሁ 10 ቅድመ ግጅቶች፡ በተለይ ደግሞ ለወጣቶች

    በቀላሉ ስራ ለማግኘት ማድረግ ያለባችሁ 10 ቅድመ ግጅቶች፡ በተለይ ደግሞ ለወጣቶች

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  • Capturing and Sharing of Great Moments and Lived Experiences

    Capturing and Sharing of Great Moments and Lived Experiences

    Good or bad there is always a lesson we take from our experiences and inspire ourselves forward. While self-reflection is the essence of personal or career growth, great moments provide an impetus to our life. We might travel a long distance; We might pass through lots of challenges or processes. What stays in our mind…

  • Insights of ICT Infrastructure Sector and Way Forward in Ethiopia

    Insights of ICT Infrastructure Sector and Way Forward in Ethiopia

    As a reflection of the general business environment in Ethiopia, there is no as such so special in the ICT sector. There are, however, particular topics worth mentioning hoping someone out there will take note of them and strive for further work towards its improvement. Although this write up is not a result of an…

  • Showing Up ^ Exposure Matters, and Why I Think It Matters More in the Ethiopian Context

    Showing Up ^ Exposure Matters,  and  Why I Think It Matters More in the Ethiopian Context

    Lately, I came to realize that I won’t professionally grow until I show up and take massive action and it is my call for every one of you who come to my personal blog to do the same.  I have learnt that showing up and exposing myself is the 1st key step leading me where I aspire to go. Beyond…

  • How I End Up Building a Website: Showing Up ^ Exposure matters

    How I End Up  Building a Website: Showing Up ^ Exposure matters

    It may sound an over statement to claim a website builder/designer role without any skill of coding.  Off course, I took a few courses of the basics of coding a decade and a half ago as part of my BSc. degree in electrical engineering. Yes, I have been working in the technology space for many…

  • Information Compression: Why the wrong thing happens

    Information Compression: Why the wrong thing happens

    To no offence to Alexandr Wang, the writer of the following article, I really wanted to republish this content here at Showing up ^ Exposure Matters as I find it an eye opener to the whole world of communication. Infact he said, This is a memo I sent to the Scale team in 2019 which has meaningfully…

  • Lock Down Over a Lock Down – Test of Human Adaptability

    Lock Down Over a Lock Down – Test of Human Adaptability

    While we all have been trying to fit with the new lifestyle abruptly influenced and shaped by COVID-19 pandemic, then comes the internet lock down since the 30th of June 2020. Life has become really tougher. Throughout the COVID-19 lock down period, internet has been the get go for some of us who stayed home…

  • Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

    Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

    Have you ever heard of the saying “Life starts outside of your comfort zone”?. The visual below represents how breaking out of your comfort zone can be a step towards achieving things you never thought were possible. The four stages in this diagram include: 1️⃣  Comfort Zone : The majority of people are happy to be…

  • How to Solve Problems, From an Inventor With 200+ Patents

    How to Solve Problems, From an Inventor With 200+ Patents

    Robert Fischell invented the rechargeable pacemaker and the implantable insulin pump — not to mention helped create the precursor to GPS. The 87-year-old shares a peek into his creative process. Perhaps you have a family member who’s alive because of a flexible coronary stent. Or a friend who manages her diabetes with an implantable insulin…

  • Drink the Last Beer: Based On True story

    Drink the Last Beer: Based On True story

    By any measure, Ethiopia is a big country be it historical, Natural resource, population wise, geographically or in whatever measure we take in. Sometimes, it is hard to accept the country stays poor (material wise) given the huge potential we sit on. Labor (a fraction of 100 million people), resource (Land, water) and capital ,…



      The Project Management Institute’s 2020 Pulse of the Profession report reveals that 11.4 percent of business investment is wasted due to poor project performance. Today’s organizations must uncover the cause of these failures and determine what project management professionals can do to help overcome these challenges. “For decades, we’ve been trying to improve the rate of project…

  • Together is Better, If We Mean to Succeed: Project Experience Sharing

    Together is Better, If We Mean to Succeed: Project Experience Sharing

    As Heny Ford once said,  Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, working   together is success. Had you not been thrilled when someone a few inches away from you sent you a message through espace (Huawei messaging platform) while it was easier to utter a word directly on to you? About three years…

  • Comments, Likes and Clicks Carry More Good and Money than Many Ethiopians Think

    Comments, Likes and Clicks Carry More Good and Money than Many Ethiopians Think

    The last decade or so shows the increasing number of subscribers and followers as an important asset in today’s and potentially tomorrow’s business order. The increasing network effect of the social media platforms including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, twitter, WeChat, YouTube, and recently tiktok, for example, have become as significant as the more traditional email marketing…

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