Empowering the Next Generation: How Social Media Can Be a Force for Good in Ethiopia

Do you know that the misuse of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Threads result not just in joblessness but also serious health issues?

Many young Ethiopians fall prey to mindless scrolling, digital distraction, and unhealthy comparison. The mindless scrolling consumes your valuable time, drains you creativity, fosters unrealistic desires and contributes to your negative mental health outcomes. 

It further exacerbates problems such as 

  • distorted self-image,
  • diminished productivity, 
  • Poor engagement in society. 

However, amidst these challenges, there’s hope for a change!

By leveraging social media as a platform you can start 

  • Showcasing your skills,
  • Improving your networking,
  • Cultivating your entrepreneurial endeavors,
  • unlocking a myriad of benefits, including income generation and job opportunities.

With a strategic utilization, social media can become a cornerstone for building your brighter future, where you find out your destiny and nurture your career growth and economic transformation. 

As an advocate for Ethiopian youth empowerment, Showing Up is committed to providing invaluable career growth and personal development insights to guide you on this journey. 

Are you with us?

If not, be with us today as we illuminate the path towards effective utilization of social media platforms for financial freedom.

Believe it or not, building your personal brand is the future. And here is how you approach social media in general.

  1. Identify Your Strengths: What strengths do you have that can solve society’s problems?
  2. Identify Your Niche: Find your expertise or passion to target the right audience.
  3. Create Compelling Content: Make engaging, high-quality posts consistently.
  4. Build Your Audience: Engage with your audience, collaborate with influencers, and respond promptly.
  5. Monetize Your Platform: Explore sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and selling products.
  6. Utilize Advertising: Take advantage of advertising features.
  7. Track Performance: Monitor social media metrics to evaluate strategy effectiveness.Top of Form

In our previous insights , we gave you the tools on how you take advantage of LinkedIn, TikTok and  Freelancing to build your personal brand and career growth. 

In this round, we deep dive on the usual suspects. Facebook, Instagram and Threads. 

Facebook serves as a comprehensive platform for connecting with friends, family, and communities, facilitating the sharing of updates and a wide range of content. Its versatile content format includes text posts, photos, videos, links, and live streams, allowing users to express themselves in various ways. 

In contrast, Instagram focuses on visual storytelling through photos and short videos, making it a preferred choice for individuals, influencers, and businesses to showcase lifestyles and products. 

Meanwhile, Threads offer users the ability to post and share text, images, and videos, as well as interact with other users’ posts through replies, reposts, and likes.

Owned and operated by Meta led by Mark Zuckerberg, each platform offers unique engagement features depending on your own use case. The reels version is an important development in the meta platforms.

 Why Care about Facebook, Instagram, and Threads ?

These social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Threads and threads ) are important tools to enable your career growth, personal branding and business growth. 

Globally, 77% of recruiters use Facebook to find potential candidates.  It serves as a virtual networking hub for professionals, offering valuable resources and job postings in industry-specific groups.  It plays a pivotal role in career growth, personal development, and business expansion.

Come to Ethiopia. 

Most of you spend a significant amount of time consuming, essentially, news and entertainment contents, if not chatting with friends and colleagues. Except for a handful of influential figures and businesses, capturing value from these platforms has been quite limited. 

But it is possible. These are ecosystems where you grab opportunities if you open your eyes. Almost everyone on the streets owns smartphones. It is up to you to leverage them to advance your career growth, personal development and business goals. 

Recording more than 5.6 billion combined active users on the platforms, there is no justification that you threw yourself behind !

Facebook offers various types of accounts and pages to cater to different needs and interests:

  1. Personal Accounts: Individual profiles for connecting with friends, sharing updates, and sending messages.
  2. Facebook Pages: Profiles for businesses, organizations, and public figures to share content and engage with their audience.
  3. Groups: Communities for users with similar interests to connect, share content, and discuss topics.
  4. Marketplace: Platform for buying and selling items locally.
  5. Events: Tool for creating, sharing, and RSVPing to events. Facebook live is something you need to engage with your audience in real time. 
  6. Facebook for Business: Resources and tools for businesses to manage their presence, run ads, and access analytics.


➡️ Stay Informed with “Showing Up“: Keep yourself in the loop with the latest trends, success stories, and opportunities. Subscribe to our “Showing Up” Newsletter for a regular dose of inspiration and valuable insights delivered right to your inbox.

➡️ Take Action Now: Remember, it’s not just about how much you know but the small actions you take that truly matter for your growth. Seize the moment, take that first step, and let your Social media account work for you!

Do you look for role models to learn and start from?

Here are our two icons.

Are you familiar with  Hanna Hailu having more than 40K followers on Facebook alone?


Well she is a young, dynamic motivational speaker in Ethiopia, captivating audiences with her inspiring talks on personal development, empowerment, and leadership.  Through her engaging presence and compelling storytelling, she encourages countless individuals to pursue their goals and excel in various aspects of their lives.

And Gary Vaynerchuk amassing more than 6.4m Facebook followers alone? 

Gary is a serial entrepreneur and social media influencer known for his practical advice and real-world experience in entrepreneurship, marketing, and business growth. Through his engaging content and candid approach, he motivates aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners to hustle, innovate, and succeed in the digital age.


➡️ Join our social pages for daily doses of motivation and inspiration. Together, let’s create a community that uplifts and empowers!

End.  One final Thought: What ever we do to succeed,

Showing Up Matters

We write and Podcast on career growth & personal development and inspire the youth to take action. 

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