
About Showing Up ^ Exposure Matters

I think showing up is the 1st key step leading us where we aspire to go. Once exposed, act with rigor and consistency, and whatever we do, we do it with purpose and dignity. No Less



To enable the Ethiopian youth professionally expose themselves early on so that they build the skills and mindset in today’s and tomorrow’s ever changing, global and competitive  workplace. 


Green Growth

  • Sustainable development is the only viable growth model that puts our economic growth with out compromising nature and it is up to us individuals to make the right choices and influence towards our common future.


  • John C. Maxwell said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership” and I am in to buying it all.

Business Strategy:

  • As much as I am curious on development, I am equally impressed with the power of business to shape the development of countries.


  • If there is one thing that makes us equal at a world stage, it is digital. The wise, invest more and faster to create endless possibilities for its citizens.

Modern Energy Access(“Rural”)

  • Energy is an enabler to every economic sector. Social, environmental and economic progress will be constrained without it. Until we make sure that everyone has access to modern form of energy, I will continue to be a voice in all my capacity. My hope is that every Ethiopian ( and African) has access to energy sooner than later.



The Limitless Possibilities & The Youth

Yichallal (It is possible), the popular message coined by Shaleka Haile Gebresellasie, the finest and greatest distance runner in history and of course the business icon in Ethiopia, has never been more meaningful and inspirational than today. 

Digitalization has created tremendous possibilities the Youth of today is tapping in to it at a faster pace than we have ever imagined.  

When supported by the right and timely policy tools, I am too confident that the Youth will shape the future where it belongs to everyone of us today and the generations to come. We are rocking it any way. 


They say,

The only way to control change is to create it,

And the Youth of today where Ethiopia & Africa proudly claims to own has the potential to create a new world order and its control. 

This is my personal blog for everything in life. For my professional aspirations, I will be available in other platforms as well. I came to believe that much of my career and personal growth depends on my own choices 90 percent of the time.   

I came to realize that we won’t grow until we show up and take massive action and it is my call for every one of you who come to my personal blog to do the same.  

Staying positive and laser focused is my course of action by choice and I love to educate my self if we cross a line. Follow me here as well.  I almost find my Why and you can too.

Graduates  complain, rightly so, about lack of jobs in the market

Industry complains on lack of skill and the right mindset

Where is the missing link?

Engaging the work force and industries in the market place, Showing up ^ Exposure Matters  will take it part of its mission and enlighten both sides where to focus and close their gaps.

I am available for

Exposure proved himself the real difference in his career.

With over 14+ years of practical experience managing teams in projects in the energy, ICT, telecom and development sectors, the founder has an aspiration to change how Ethiopians approach their career. Work place Competition has become global and harsh and we all need to be harsher to thrive, if not survive. As Ethiopians, it is the culture holding us back. 

He owes the future as much as he owned the past 

It is this sprit that keeps me here

About the Founder

 Join him at LinkedIn

— 01

Personal Views

Under Development. Come back later

— 02

Personal Growth

Under Development. Come back later

— 03

PM Tutorials

Under Development. Come back later

About Me

I call myself a career professional in the energy, power, telecom and ICT sectors. For over 13 years, I have been engaged in policy advisory, project management, market development, service delivery, design & supervision roles. Being on the ground for such long years, I have come to learn the opportunities, barriers, challenges and the way forward not just for those infrastructure sectors but also the wider development agenda Ethiopia aspires to carry on.

I also proudly call myself among the brightest of my generation in academic areas although I chose to join the industry early on. In fact, thanks to technology, the industry has become an equal learning environment and I have been fortunate to drive practical inspiration on an ongoing basis.

In whatever way, I believe that we are outputs of the generations before us. In the same token, we have a responsibility to pass a torch to the next generation whatever size it may be. We owe the future as much as we own the past.

I used to have a generous senior colleague who full heartedly helped people teach whatever he knew in whatever way he could. I once asked him why he was teaching people even if it is at an expense of being replaced in his job role.  His reply was “don’t worry, if I teach someone to do my current job role, I am willing to find a new one”.  Although I never articulated it that way before, I too shared his perspective.

I believe in the youth of today. I see them thrive in an environment where proper guidance and policy support is significantly lacking. If I can openly articulate the path I have been going through and share it here in showing up and exposure matters, I strongly hope that someone behind me will pick it up and learn from it.

Above all, I am fortunate that I touch a significant bit of my country, Ethiopia. I observe a significant shortfall between citizens (‘Youth’) understanding and the actual potential the country can provide.  Through active collaboration with fellow professionals and citizens, it is in my best interest to promote the true potential of Ethiopia to the benefit of all Ethiopians.

Why Me

If you are an Ethiopian too, this is the reason that I think you are some how in the right channel. The stagnant statistics shows that close to 85% of Ethiopians live in rural areas where > 80 million of us living in country sides probably still with limited or without basic modern infrastructure and/or government services.  I knew it because I grew up with it.

I am one of the typical Ethiopian boys who grow up in the rural setting. As I reflect, there is a lot I can share so that the youth behind me can easily relate. For example,

  • There was no electricity of any form when I was at elementary school. So does now in many elementary schools across the country.
  • I used to walk many KMs of distance on bare foot to reach my high school. Millions of rural boys and girls still do it now.
  • I grew up in a conflict zone so does many Ethiopians even today.

If we maintain our focus to our pens and books, all of these challenges are not unsurmountable. I am here to witness.

Just because I have now a privilege of living in a city where infrastructure and government services are relatively accessible, it does not mean I should not inspire others. I want to help the boys and girls passing through the same course learn from my experience. It is more of the same in cities and towns as well.

As I grow old, I start to appreciate life as it is. With some additional tweak, I think it is worthy of living in rural areas in a more decent way. If I can help at least one person realize it, I call it an intervention in the right direction.

By being here at Showing Up ^ Exposure matters, you are going to learn my reflections, perspectives, professional growth trajectory and practical project management tutorials in a way relatable to you personally.

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